Once Jailah was assessed and found to be in good health Darianna returned to the school the next day to ask why emergency services were not called first, she was told that the teacher did not feel the situation was serious. No incident report was made at that time and Jailah was not assessed by a Nurse on the school premises at the time of the incident but by a Health Assistant, who arrived after the seizure had ended. Ms. Moore was also told that no one at the school at that time was medically qualified to diagnose the incident as a seizure. When she inquired about health and safety protocol they were unable to provide any. …show more content…
A meeting was arranged with Ms. Moore, the principal,teacher and school nurse (who was not there for the actual seizure). Ms. Moore presented the Emergency First Aid Guidelines for California Schools from the California Department of Education, which states when to call Emergency Medical Services, the nurse referred to the teacher as young and scared in reference to why she did not call 911. The nurse then became defensive and tried to deflect blame onto Ms.