hero. The Myth of Mahavira also played a huge part in Jainism. According to this myth Mahavira lived around 500-600 BCE.
Hinduism has a lot of god like other religions.
The trimurti are the most important gods of Hinduism Some examples of these gods are “Brahman the god of creation” who made everything and where everything came from. Second one is “Vishnu the god of preservation” who oversees the preservation of the universe and promotes love and devotion. Last one is “Shiva the god of destruction and re-creation” (Molloy 2012) basically the god for reincarnation. Also, the word destruction in Hinduism means something must be destroyed first before it can be reborn. Jainism doesn’t believe that there is one God that created everything. They Argue that “If God is perfect, why did God create a universe that is imperfect? If God made the universe because of love, why is the world so full of suffering beings” (Molloy 2012). they also believe that everything that matter in this world has a life force and every single one of these life forms are capable of suffering. Furthermore, like Hinduism Jainism also believe in the cycle of reincarnation and
Hinduism have a couple of festivals. The biggest festival that they have us the Kumbh Mela. “Every twelve years Hindus celebrate the complete Kumbh Mela festival. It recalls a story of Vishnu and other deities churning nectar from a primeval ocean of milk” (Molloy 2012). This is celebrated by dancing, bathing and gathering around the Ganges river. According to our book “Experiencing the World’s Religion by (Molloy 2012) Kumbh Mela is also considered the largest religious gathering around the world because of the enormous amount of people that celebrates this event. Jainism have a couple of annual festivals and celebrations an example of these annual celebration is the Diwali which is usually held during mid-October. During this time, they celebrate the time when Mahavira reached moksha. Let’s now move on to Jain Ethics. One of the great source of Jain Ethics is the Ahimsa where they believe that they cannot hurt any animal not even the smallest ones. With that said Jains are straight up Vegetarians/Vegans.
Hinduism geographical origin is India. Hinduisms geographical location is mostly in India and some Asian counties like Indonesia and Nepal. But because Hinduism is one of the most popular religions in the world they are now scattered around the world. Typical worship locations in Hinduism is not like other religions where they have huge temples, cathedrals and mosque most of the people in India just do their worship in small village temples and homemade altars at home. Also, they call their temples Mandir. Every Mandir is dedicated to a certain god and goddess. As for typical worship location where they do their mass and worship services. just like Hinduism they have temples. In Jainism, they call their temples Derasar which is usally made in marble. Jainism has a lot of these sacred places and pilgrimage an example of these are Girnar and Satrunjaya which is located at Gujarat. They believe that Girnar is the place where Tirthankara Neminatha achieved moksa.