will give you peace.”
Peace! Did that man on the cross bare his soul? Is that why he looks so peaceful? Well you are screwed my friend because nothing you do, will ever give you peace.
“Lets get one thing straight,” Jake barks. “There is no peace for me”
“Maybe not for you, but maybe, for someone else.” This time, the mans
words have Jakes brain screaming at him to leave, but never look back.
For some reason he still doesn’t leave.
“Whatever!” Jake snaps. “You don’t make any sence to me. Let me do
the talking and you do the listening,” Jake snaps again as he wipes
sweat from his for his for head. He takes a few moments to stretch out his
legs, …show more content…
“All that was missing, was me
wearing a suit and tie.” He lets out a soothing humming sound as he opens
his eyes and drops his hand.
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“It was beautiful.” He streaches out each word for affect. “After cutting her
limbs off, I cut the rest of her up like a Thanks giving turkey that nobody would
ever eat.” He chuckels to himself. “I even dumped her body parts off at
Gable Park. The funny part about that was, I got to sit by my bedroom window
with my bino’s and popcorn and watch the cops work the scene. Those
dumb asses didn’t even have a clue on how close the killer was.” He adds in
an excited voice, wiping away some more sweat as he ends his story.
“Damn! Is it always hot in these tiny rooms,” he grumbles.
“It’s not hot on my side,” the man comments back. “Maybe you’re feeling the
heat from hell creeping up on you,” the man’s voice sounds way to calm