Simple definition of the management is ‘managing men tactfully’. In other words it is nothing but ‘getting things done through and with the people’. Practices of management have undergone different changes. Change is the law of nature. The only permanent thing is nothing but the change. One, who fails to adopt the change, lags behind. This rule is universal. “Being flexible’ is need of hour. Business without management is like the car without the wheels. Business management aims at managing all the human and non human resources in an effective way to attain the overall growth. Emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept has diversified the dimensions of business growth. All the factors associated with the business needs to take due care.
The organizations follow different practices as per their suitability. No organization, like no individual, is like another. In similar way jalebis are also different from one another. Bringing the very jalebi that is consumed and enjoyed by our masses to the rarefied world of global business is in itself a message. Jalebi, for starters, is a common Indian sweet. Wikipedia traces the origin of the sweet to Punjab. “The Persian word for jalebi is ‘zoolbiah’. It is made from deep-fried, syrup-soaked batter and shaped into a large, chaotic pretzel shape,” The jalebi’s peculiarity is its decidedly rounded shape, despite idiosyncratic gaps that can have jagged edges, in similar way jalebi management is about blending ‘the ocean of humanity with industry’. Consumers across the world say they don’t understand business jargon. Jalebi
Management helps to describe different concepts practiced in corporate management in language that every one outside as well as inside the world of business would understand it.
Concept of
Bibliography: www.shiningemotional and many others.