When Lucy first began working for Lewis and Mariah, Lewis tried to get her to behave more like his wife. During dinner one evening he passed comments in attempt to make Lucy smile and laugh. “I didn’t laugh, though, and Lewis looked at me, concern on his face” (Kincaid 14). During this period of time, the 1960s, women were expected to be “seen not heard.” Lucy finds that concept ridiculous. She displays these feelings again during her first encounter with Paul. “The voice of the girl my mother …show more content…
For generations the popular opinion for couples has been for the male to be taller than the female. However, Lucy disagrees with this. “It looks better when a woman is a little taller than her husband” (Kincaid 47). She prefers men who are shorter than her because she likes to be the dominant partner in a relationship. This is different from a typical girl’s taste in men because often times girls want to feel protected by their partner. Lucy feels strong enough to take care of herself. She is a free spirit and does not like when she is patronized or looked down