Table of content:
1. Introduction. 3
2. Methodology. 4
3. Tourism industry. 6
3.1. Accommodation and eateries. 6
3.2. Sports. 7
3.3. Attractions. 8
3.4. Weather and nature. 8
4. Problems. 9 4.1. Tourism. 9 4.2. Infrastructure. 10 4.3. Weather. 11 4.4. Neighbours. 11 4.5. Organisations against Olympics. 12
5. Changes in tourism industry. 12
6. Creating an outlook. 15
7. Conclusion. 16
8. Bibliography. 16
1. Introduction Olympic games is one of the largest events worldwide, divided by two types: winter and summer games. Each event happens once in four years with more than 200 participants from different countries, what makes business around olympic objects profitable and gives a big opportunity to get an international level, mostly because of marketing and destination development possibilities. By the decision of International Olympic Committee - Olympic games in 2014 will be hosted in Sochi, Russia. Russian government and organizations are working on building relevant objects as well as developing infrastructure, planning, working with marketing and communication, micro and macro management, taking care of security and safety, ceremonies, cultural preparations, financial and law preparations, placing and others. It is also important to mention that different organisations are trying to prevent such mega-event, for example environmental protection organizations, that are making different kind of statements through mass media, affecting the efficiency of the preparation process. And not only organisations, but there is also a wide range of threat that come from different sources at the same time. This project describes the tourism situation in Russia and