Throughout the book series Cherub, James Adam constantly finds himself in a dilemma, regarding tensions in his family, evolving circumstances of missions, or even everyday girl problems. As a result, he is forced to juggle the ordinary issues of a twelve year old boy, as well as the stresses of a highly skilled and invested undercover government intelligence agent. But with the sense of a new family with fellow Cherub agents, both past and present, he is able to maintain a level of professionality with reasonable results in both missions and in the life as a preteen.
In the opening pages of the book Recruit, James Adams, formerly known as James Choke, was openly teased by a fellow classmate by the name of Samantha Jennings, on the subject of the current condition of the his mother. Concluding with James inadvertently cutting Samantha's face on a nail protruding out of the wall. Which expresses his overwhelming aggression in his younger years prior to being in Cherub . As well as the Ms. Volt , the science teacher, hurting her back and vowing of taking a early retirement, and with a close to the chapter, James goes through the hardships of losing …show more content…
Which was originally created by Charles Henderson a British Intelligence officer who trained a small detachment of boys who were mostly French refugees. They were given basic espionage training before being parachuted into occupied France, and were deemed highly successful in gathering vital information that helped aid the D-Day invasion. Therefore this theory that adults will not expect children of being spies slowly began to become a fact within the top ranks of the British intelligence agencies under the condition that very few individuals across the world know that Cherub exist to help maintain the necessary element of surprise and secrecy for the safety of the children and their