Other Title: The story of James Earl Ray and the plot to assinate Martin Luther King.
The story of James Earl Ray and the plot to kill Martin Luther King, part II.
Why James Earl Ray murdered Dr. King.
Creator(s): Hansen, Jim, 1921-1999, photographer
Date Created/Published: 1968 Sept. 10 (date added to Look's library)
Medium: 46 photographic prints (contact sheets). published 2 slides : color. unpublished 22 slides : color.
1 negative : b&w film copy neg.
Summary: Photographs show various places where Martin Luther King, Jr., assassin James Earl Ray visited or stayed prior to King's murder, people with whom he associated, his first lawyer, Arthur J. Hanes, and author William Bradford Huie. Includes Huie interviewing Mr. and Mrs. Klingeman, …show more content…
owners of the restaurant in Winnetka, Ill., where Ray worked; Hanes and Huie in the motel where Ray fired the shot which killed King; views of the exterior of the motel room where King was killed; Hanes in rooming house where Ray stayed; Hanes with newsmen outside the courthouse where Ray was tried; the Har-K Apartments in Montreal, Canada; a summer resort in the Laurentian mountains; Ray's Canadian girlfriend; the Alabama motel room used by Ray before going to Memphis; Dr. Russel C. Hadley, the plastic surgeon who treated Ray; Rev. Xavier von Koss, a Los Angeles hypnotist, whom Ray consulted. Also author Huie, lawyer Hanes and his son conferring in a Memphis hotel room. Unpublished photographs show views from room looking toward window.
Reproduction Number: ---
Rights Advisory: Publication may be restricted.
For information see "Look Magazine Photograph Collection, Rights and Restrictions Information."(http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/print/res/074_look.html)
Access Advisory: Unpublished slides and transparencies are treated as unprocessed collections.
Call Number: LOOK - Job 68-3894 [P&P]
Job title and date from photographers' logbook.
Use surrogates for color images.
Gift; Cowles Communications, Inc.; December 13, 1971.
7 images published in: The story of James Earl Ray and the plot to assinate Martin Luther King, by William Bradford Huie, Look, v. 32, no. 23 (Nov. 12, 1968), p. 96-113.
4 images published in: The story of James Earl Ray and the plot to kill Martin Luther King, part II, by William Bradford Huie, Look, v. 32, no. 24 (Nov. 26, 1968), p. 86-99.
3 images published in: Why James Earl Ray murdered Dr. King, by William Bradford Huie, Percy Foreman and Arthur J. Hanes, Look, v. 33, no. 8 (Apr. 15, 1969), p. 102-112.
Bag count: 45.
King, Martin Luther,--Jr.,--1929-1968--Assassination.
Ray, James Earl,--1928-1998--Friends & associates.
Huie, William Bradford,--1910-1986.
Contact sheets.
Safety film negatives.
Look Collection
Part of: Look Magazine Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
Bookmark This Record: http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/lmc1998005476/PP/