As a teenager, Galante became a mafia associate during the Prohibition era, becoming a leading enforcer by the end of the decade. In 1930, Galante and other gang members were caught by New York police officer Joseph Meenahan attempting to hijack a truck in Williamsburg. In the resulting gun battle, Galante wounded Meenahan and a six-year-old girl who happened to be nearby. Both victims survived and Galante was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison.
In 1939, Galante …show more content…
During the 1970s, Galante allegedly organized the murders of at least eight members of the Gambino family, with whom he had an intense rivalry, in order to take over a massive drug-trafficking operation. Galante was briefly jailed in 1978 for violating his parole by associating with known criminals, but he was released after being defended by attorney Roy Cohn.
By this stage, Galante was bald, bespectacled and had a stooped walk. Galante continued his heroin importation business and also imported young Sicilian mobsters to work directly for him as bodyguards, contract killers and drug traffickers. The "Zips" as they were known, had Galante's total trust and confidence. The New York crime families were alarmed at Galante's brazen attempt at taking over the narcotics market. Galante was also refusing to share any of the profits with the other families. Although Galante was aware that he had many enemies, he said, "No one will ever kill me, they wouldn't dare."