Throughout history, the state has tried to suppress and contain homosexuality. Even “as early as 1656, the New Haven Colony prescribed the death penalty for lesbians” (Rich 634). This shows how severe the punishment was if found to be in a non-heteronormative relationship. The article, “The Straight State” by Margot Canaday states, “There was a policy against being homosexual, and it was federal in nature. States and localities generally policed homosexual acts, but […] it was the federal government that gradually developed the tools to target homosexual personhood or status, the condition of being a homosexual” (Canaday 6). Demonstrating how homosexuality was regulated and controlled, the state constructed the condition of being a homosexual. After creating this construct using characteristics, the state used it to oppress and discriminate those who were considered homosexual. The article continues, stating, “Those suspected of homosexuality were purged from the civil service and military in astounding numbers at midcentury. They were also barred from certain federal benefits, faced increased FBI and Post Office surveillance and explicit immigration and naturalization exclusions, as well as the stain of alleged political subversion” (Canaday 2). As homosexuality was considered to be an unnatural…