A lot of people have things that they find more difficult than others. It is not uncommon for a person to have their downsides but when it starts affecting their daily routines that’s when it becomes a problem. In the essay “It’s Hard Enough Being Me” by Anna Lisa Raya the author discusses her cultural identity challenges after discovering she was Latina. Raya discusses how she never had to question where she came from or who she was until she attended college in New York City. When she started school in New York City she came into the realization that she no longer was a majority like she was back home in Los Angeles, California. Now that she is studying in New York City she feels like a minority because she cannot figure out where she fits…
Identity, the word that describes who we are and how we see ourselves as a human being. A lot of things in this world contribute and influence our identity, like nationality, culture, family, peers and past experiences. Josephine Alibrandi, a seventeen year old Australian born Italian, is a girl who has many barriers in her current life. She does not know who her father is her nonna is nags on about everything in her life, she falls in love with the school captain of Cook Iyre and her best friend commits suicide. All these barriers are stopping her from finding her identity, but at the same time contributing to it. Josie goes to St Martha’s, a private catholic school that is “all about money, prestige and what your father does for a living.” She is of low social-economic background and is…
Psychosocial identity theory is based on how an individual’s identity is shaped by their own development and experiences combined with their social surroundings. Phoenix refers to E. Erikson (Phoenix, 2002), who wrote about eight stages of development whereby an individual’s identity is built over their lifetime. He suggests that most of the time we are unaware of this and is only when something in our life goes wrong or changes that we become more aware of whom we are and therefore what our identity is. This seems to be why Erikson focuses mainly on adolescence, as this is when people tend to explore different possible paths that lead to certain friendships and life choices, he describes this stage as ‘psychosocial moratorium’ that will eventually lead us to shape who we are as adults. Erikson refers to this achievement as ego identity (Phoenix, 2002), where an individual feels comfortable with whom they are. As with anything or anyone in a stage of development, it is not always a smooth transition from one stage to another and the individual can sometimes be delayed or stuck on one stage; in reference to identity Erikson describes this as an identity crisis. Phoenix also refers to Marcia (Phoenix, 2002) who looked at Erikson’s development stages, particularly adolescence and suggested that people often go through different phases of their…
* Identity: Dissatisfaction with the labels put on individuals can result in the loss of identity and the desire for independence outside of society. ( The discontent with the labels Edna has as ‘wife”, “mother” has resulted in the loss of her true identity, however the desire to gain back her identity leads her to social alienation and many…
Anna Lisa Raya is a Latina college student going through problems of being judged for being a Mexican American. She doesn’t know the Spanish language which makes it hard for her to fit in with the other Spanish speaking people in her college. She says that she is “stuck in a black hole of an identity crisis”. I personally believe that we and only we can decide what our identity is. (Raya, Anna Lisa 1-2)…
Peer and family relationships help to change and shape both the identity of Josie and Amal from the novels Looking for Alibrandi and Does my head look big in this? Identity is who someone is and their characteristics. Everyone has an identity though finding that identity can be a challenge but something that has to be done. Identity often changes for the good and is necessary in life. Positive and negative relationships are a key to changing someones identity. Learning from negative relationship will help as a factor to creating identity, not just believing that all relationships will be positive ones.…
“You can't change who you are. No matter how you struggle, some things will never change. And maybe they shouldn't” (Thurman, Rob). “Identity is a powerful organizing presence in social life today” putting people into sections concerning likes and dislikes, culture and customs, separates them via social, economic and religious differences, identity makes a person, a person (Leve, Lauren). The character regarding one’s self is shaped by identity, how they view themselves, and largely how society views them. Influences that impact people into what or whom they will become, and how their presence is perceived, will shape them throughout his or her lifetime. Many are more conscious of their identity when put into situations where they stand out.…
Striving for identity requires the recognition that one cannot depend on another’s approval. That they must decide how to live there life and understand that before they can have a relationship with another person, they must first have a relationship with themselves (Corey, 2005).…
Erikson speaks of identity being formed in a series of stages where at each one the individual resolves a crisis between a positive and a negative alternative. Resolution, is not necessarily rejecting one path but somehow finding a balance. The 7 stages are:…
Identity Development Model and Stage Maria Luz recently emigrated from a small village in Mexico. She is struggling to adjust to her new life in the United States. She is managing her previously held beliefs about what life would be like in America, to the stark contrast of her new found reality. Maria presents clinically to be in the Racial/Cultural (Minority) Identity Development Model Stage 3-Resistance/Immersion. Her tale of coming to America is harrowing.…
Identity is considered by many people as people's’ race, gender, family, and etc. Even though those are the important aspects which influence identity, it is identity itself. What is identity? Identity is the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another. But what are those conditions? It’s a person’s characteristics and personalities that defines who you are. Everyone’s personalities are ever so slightly different from everyone else, which cause us to have trouble finding our own special identity. Include the main character in the book “The House on Mango Street” ,Esperanza, she had faced many challenges when she was trying to find her own identity, and those struggles have changed her throughout the novel. But at the end, what defines her is the ability to write and tell stories. On the other hand, I had also gone through many struggles throughout my childhood, which had made me who I am today. My booklet includes three vignettes that are different time period, in which showed how I have changed through my childhood.…
The story The Namesake, which was quickly made into a movie, consists of challenges that every character faces through their surroundings and their ability to adapt unto change. Each character in The Namesake obtains challenges from inhabiting or the desire to inhabit spaces, which define them by how they react to these situations. This paper will describe the characters actions and identities and their surroundings unto change as well as Gogol’s ambition to be an architect which works with domestic interiors.…
Being raised in an Asian-American house, of course my parents advised me over and over again to focus on schoolwork indefinitely and become a doctor. However, I learned to have my own ambitions in what I want to pursue, and that would inadvertently shape my identity. People tend to characterize themselves with the people around them, and it happens from childhood to adulthood. This isn’t personal identity, because it depends on the surroundings to mount an impersonal decision. True identity is being able to construct one’s own opinions and thoughts without influence of others, no matter the quantity or quality. Like in the “Commencement Speech at Mt. Holyoke”, in order to find one’s own identity, one must “set aside what your friends expect, what your parents demand, and what your acquaintance require . . . about how you should behave”(Quindlen). Quindlen had gone through several jobs, several roles, and inadvertently went through several identities as well, looking for what she wanted to be. In doing so, she had to sever ties with any social or cultural influence around her. Having true identity means to be true with oneself and not to give in to social…
Adding to Erikson’s developmental stages, James Marcia proposed that individuals who are in the stage of finding an identity could be classified in four statuses: identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, and identity achievement. Those with the identity diffusion status have not experienced a crisis nor have made any commitments, and are apathetic. Individuals with identity foreclosure have made a commitment, which their parents have forced upon them, but have not had a crisis. Teens with the identity moratorium are going through a crisis, and have poorly defined commitments or none at all. Ultimately, those with identity achievement have…
What is identity? Identity is like a fingerprint, a unique identifier of who a person is. People create their own identities throughout their entire life. The development one goes through highly influences the person they become. They may strive to form morals, standards or views of the world. It can become a lifelong task in finding who one is, but the search for identity begins roughly during adolescence. Erik Erikson developed a theory based on psychosocial behaviors. He believed that a person’s identity arises from development beginning from infancy. The stages are all interdependent; success in each builds the needed foundation to be able to be successful…