1620 Mayflower Compact Plymouth founded
1619 House of Burgesses founded
1628 John Winthrop
1622 John Rolfe
1630 MA Bay Colony founded by John Winthrop
1632 Pequot war starts
1634 Maryland Colony founded
1636 Thomas Hooker and Roger Williams expelled
1637 Anne Hutchinson expelled
1638 Pequot war ended
1651 Navigation Act
1649 Maryland Toleraction Act
1639 Fundamental Orders of CT
1675 King Philips War
1660 Stuart Restoration
1662 Halfway Covenant
1676 William Berkeley and Nathaniel Bacon, Bacon’s Rebellion
1680 Pueblo Revolt
1681 William Penn – Pennsylvania
1690 Two Treatises on Government
1686- 1689 Dominion of New England
1692- 1697