
Jamestown: The Death Colony

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Jamestown: The Death Colony
Jamestown: The Death Colony

Why are there so many deaths in the middle of nowhere? From the beginning of 1607, an English colonization on the James River were already facing problems. The colonists had only come for gold which in result, caused people to die. Why did so many colonists die from 1607-1611 in Jamestown? Many settlers died because of these three reasons: bad environment/water, bad relations with the Indians, and the settlers’ lack of skills.
The first reason was because of the bad environment and water. There was brackish water full of waste in the river and it festered. The colonists started to die because they had no clean water. The river was not clean so they could not drink it. Plus, since the river festered, the water was salty so they could not grow crops. The colonists had also came in a time of drought. They chose the wrong time to come to Jamestown. They suffered a lot because of the drought. Many people ended up dying.
Also, another reason was because of the bad relations with the Indians. West cut off two of the Powhatan’s heads for grain, but it was not enough to supply the whole winter (so West ended up taking the food and fleeing to Europe).The colonist threatened the Indians for food which in caused them to retaliate using force causing the death of many colonists. In August to October of 1609, the Indians killed “neere halfe” of the men stationed near the falls, and this wasn't their only attack on them. The Indians killed about 60 colonists causing the population in Jamestown to decrease drastically because the population was only in the hundreds in the first place.
Finally, the third reason was because of the settlers’ lack of skills. 75 of the 120 people who came to Jamestown in 1607-1608 where gentlemen who are people of wealth who are not used to working with their hands. Because so many people weren't okay with doing dirty work, nothing was done and many people died. Also, they didn't have great trading skills

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