Jamestown settled in what today is Virginia, Their main goal to go to the new terrain was to make money and become wealthy. No-one cared for one another, it was every man for himself. Mostly because they weren’t linked in any way. They had no family members brought along on the trip. Upon arrival, Smith left the colony with some partners and never returned, he left his men unattended. Everyone of the group members was men, no women nor children were brought along on this voyage, …show more content…
Similarly to Jamestown, Plymouth also came from England and identified new territory with their motives being distinct. Not only that, but in the new land both groups dealt with starvation and death. Nevertheless, both groups had a sizable help from the Native Americans who were there before them. The Native Americans had provided food to these starving people to save them from their hunger and death from it.
To summarize, Plymouth and Jamestown had more differences than in common, like how the Jamestown was only going to the new land, making money and get wealthy and Plymouth left England to find new land so they can have freedom of religion. In comparison, both were from the same territory and experienced the same consequences like starvation and death. Not only that, but were also welcomed and helped by the Native Americans who lived there at the time, they settled in the new land. Although the two were different they had traits in common with each other, but were still unique in their own