
Jane Austen Obstacles

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Jane Austen Obstacles
Should differences in economic status be considered an obstacle or a tool to make relationships stronger? While many have undoubtedly heard of the old adage, “Money cannot buy you happiness,” money certainly results in a more comfortable lifestyle. The need for financial security could be a factor in some relationships today, but back in 18th century Georgian society, this kind of security was a necessity. In Austen’s society, the woman is dependent on the man. Men have power because of money and only when the couple can overcome this imbalance in the relationship can true love be found through mutual respect. These realities greatly affected Austen’s literature. Throughout her novels Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park, …show more content…
Jane Austen experienced a less strict version of the British class system: she was low enough on the class “ladder” to interact with poorer classes but high enough to associate with the aristocracy. In her novels though, the protagonists all seem to have at least some difficulties in associating with others, such as not being able to speak as freely, due to the wealth disparity. Acknowledging the differences between Jane Austen’s life and the life of her protagonists is important, because while her protagonists are happily married, she herself never married. Also, understanding Jane Austen’s background and family can help in understanding her mocking attitude towards society (Nicolson 175-176). It is more understandable why Austen may have been critiquing basic human flaws such as greed and manipulative behavior in relationships that make appearances due to economic oppression of women. Women had limited options to increase their economic status, so women often hoped to marry rich, as seen in Austen’s novels.
In Northanger Abbey, the schemes of Isabella Thorpe to marry rich eventually fail since she abandons her morals while Henry and Catherine’s romance blossoms. Isabella Thorpe is not well-off and tries to pursue a relationship with a man possessing a wealthy family to marry into. She also reveals her true beliefs that money is important in

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