Jane is hesitant and lonesome in the beginning of the novel and has difficulty feeling comfortable and indifferent around people. For example, while Jane spends time in the Reed household, she remarks, “To speak truth, I had not least wish to go into company, for in company I was rarely noticed” (Bronte 24). Jane’s parents died when she was young and as a result she became an orphan. As an orphan, she feels disrespected and unfairly treated by the Reed family. Furthermore, she does not feel like she belongs with the family, often feeling that she is unnoticed by them. As a result, she dislikes the family and avoids spending time with them at all costs. In addition, when Mr. Brocklehurst asks his family, teachers, and the children to look at Jane, Jane claims that she "felt their eyes directed like burning-glasses against my scorched skin” (60). In company of Jane’s teachers and classmates she is ridiculed and embarrassed. As a result, while her peers stare at her judgmentally, feelings of
Cited: Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Bantam Dell, 1987. Print.