
Janie And Joe's Relationship

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Janie And Joe's Relationship
Soon after Logan Killicks, she married Joe Starks where she noticed some differences between being loved by a man and being mistreated. With Joe Starks she learned that you may think you know a person but you really don’t, unless you’ve seen them furious. It is then when you find out if a person really loves you or not, and as well as to how they react to certain things such as jealousy. Joe truly loved Janie, but certain things he did in the name of love could be found to be done in the name of wanting possession. Such as when he struck Janie outside, he not only did that out of anger but to show he owns Janie, and will take things to the extreme. As well as when he made Janie wrap her hair up, taking away some of her happiness and freedom. …show more content…
So Janie after experience, could tell whether or not the actions the men did were for their own satisfaction or for love. And most things Joe and Logan did were for themselves to feel better rather than to love Janie. Even though Joe and Logan didn’t make Janie happy they taught her something very important, primarily Joe. They taught her to love herself as well, not to let herself be controlled all the time, “Strong woman don’t play victim,don’t make themselves look pitiful, and dont point fingers. They stand and they deal. (Mandy Hale)” For example when Joe made Janie wrap her hair, she felt as she was obligated to, but when he died things changed. Things changed around Janie, as she let her hair down once again and regained her freedom and learned to love herself, “that night she burnt up every one of her head rags and went about the house the next morning with her hair in one thick braid swinging below her waist (Hurston 106).” This was another changer in her love, from trying to have the perfect marriage to soon learning how to lover her …show more content…
Which is the biggest reason Janie let him treat her certain ways. Janie actually shared a connection with him, she felt the feelings she desired in a marriage, even if they were not perfect. Unlike the other men, Tea Cake had nothing to offer, Logan had his lands and Joe became mayor and gave her a town. It comes to show that money can’t buy happiness. Tea Cake let Janie feel the freedom and happiness she so desired, she didn't have to be a fancy woman she could just be herself. With Tea Cake she did the simple things in life, her love for him wasn’t changed to fit his needs but it was for both. She actually went fishing, and worked at the muck, unlike Joe who would not let Janie go to the mule celebration. Also during the while Janie was with Tea Cake, she learned to love her racial color, she accepted who she was. Mrs.Turner, the racist lady, she tried to make Janie leave Tea Cake for her brother a white male. She thought since Janie looked more white she should not be associated with blacks as much. However Janie never felt superior to black people, she was a mixed person and was happy, which shows her humbleness. Janie could have chosen to act superior and get even more opportunities using her skin color but she did not, because of her love for Tea Cake. Though when Tea Cake was bitten by a dog with rabies, Janie's love was really put to test. During marriage you are supposed to

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