Japan had claimed a willingness to take responsibility for the past, but was still was unable to be more interactive with the UN. In the early 1990s, Ichirō Ozawa, the LDP Secretary of State, criticized the current state of things, saying that Japan was essentially getting a free ride, and did not contribute enough internationally. As it was that Japan had aims for joining the UN Security Council, there was a sense that the government was just hiding …show more content…
Spokesperson claimed that the government and ruling parties had attitudes that were in favor of following the UN's decisions, and occasionally opposition parties advocating monopolistic pacifism were encouraged to think that they should leave such matters to the United Nations, the organization itself being considered a hub of international cooperation. Prime Minister Kaifu thought that the role of the United Nations and functions that it accomplished had changed greatly. There was a belief that Japan must always cooperate with the United Nations and contribute to their capabilities. As stated before, this involves cooperation, concerning both financial and manpower aspects. Japan was actively seeking cooperation with the UN so that they would eventually also be allowed to take part in the peacekeeping …show more content…
It could provide a way to orient its foreign policy around the UN rather than the US. Socialist Party agreed with the statement, the Japan should make use of the UN. During a national assembly meeting in September 1991, committee member Nakano stated that the preamble of the Japanese Constitution agrees to maintain peace through cooperation with the whole world. Japan had passed through so-called globalism, and wished to occupy an honorable position among the other countries. Japan always discusses its matters in relation to the Constitution. It intended to realize its aspirations which were felt to be in line with the spirit of globalism in the preamble of the Constitution. It concentrated on the United Nations, the collective security system and the right of collective self-defense, feeling that in order to gain, it was time to take a firm