Japanese Communication Styles
Japanese communication patterns and styles can be confusing to Westerners. Americans are used to straight talk. Americans make great efforts to convey the exact intent of their message. Japanese interlocutors tend to use words as only part of the message they are trying to communicate. Other factors, such as silence, subtle body language, mood, tone, and intuition imply communication styles. I would like to explore the aspects of communication styles in terms of (1) body language and physical behavior, (2) silence, (3) eye contact and (4) saving face.
It is often pointed out that throughout the long history of Japan; the Japanese have cultivated their unique communication styles which are based on their high-context, collectivistic and almost homogeneous society (Ishii et al., 1996). The Japanese are reported to be reserved, cautious, evasive, silent, and ambiguous (Barnlund, 1975), placing an emphasis on not hurting others and keeping harmonious relations with each other. This emphasis on harmony has helped to mold a society where the ability to assimilate differences and to engineer consensus is valued above a talent for argument (Barnlund, 1989). In this communication-passive society of Japan, modesty, humility, and suppression of self are considered to be moral ideals (Okabe, 1983), and people are rather reluctant to disclose their true feelings (Barnlund, 1975).
Body Language and Physical Behavior
Body motion, as a whole, is more reserved in Japan than in the West. The Japanese predisposition for well chosen delicate gestures is born from necessity, for 125 million people live on these small mountainous islands. Japanese living quarters and public places are usually overcrowded. People must share space continuously at home, work, and play. It is very easy to physically violate another person's space, so the Japanese do all they can to avoid it. They are raised to detest pushy
References: 3.) Barnlund, D. C. (1975). Public an d Private Self in Japan an d the United States. Tokyo. The Simul Press. 4.) Barnlund, D. C. (1989). Communicative Styles of Japanese an d Americans: Images and Realities 5.) Ishii, S. et al. Intercultural Communication (1996). Tokyo: Yuhikaku. 6.) Riesman & Riesman. Conversations in Japan (1987). Basic Books, Inc., Publishers: New York. 7.) Okabe, R .(1983). "Cultural Assumptions of East and West: Japan and the United States", In W