Japanese Management Practices Past and Present
Peter Firkola
This paper introduces key aspects of personnel management practices in Japanese companies. Japanese management is first discussed from a historical and cultural perspective. The main characteristics of traditional personnel management practices are then looked at. Finally, recent trends and changes in these personnel management practices are examined. It was found that Japanese companies have adapted their personnel practices in varying degrees to deal with the changing economic environment while maintaining parts of the traditional management system. JEL Classification: M12, M51 Keywords: Personnel management, Japanese-style management, Lifetime employment, Seniority, Enterprise unions
1. Introduction
In order to work in Japan or do business with Japanese companies, it is important to have an understanding of Japanese management practices. During the 1970s and 1980s, the personnel practices of Japanese companies were seen as one of the keys to the Japanese economy’s success, while often seen as unique and mysterious in other countries. During the 1990s, when the Japanese economy went into recession, these same personnel practices were seen as a large part of the problem. Much has been written about the demise of these traditional management practices. As well, foreign media often place too much emphasis on special cases such as Nissan Motors. Thus, one can get a distorted picture of what is happening in most Japanese companies. This paper aims to help readers understand management practices in Japanese companies. It first looks at the origins of Japanese management, followed by a discussion of the key characteristics of traditional management practices. The final section will explain how management practices have been changing over the past decade as a result of changes in Japanese society, the Japanese economy and the global economy. Japanese management refers
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