Alison Sorrells
ANT 101
Instructor Patel
July 28, 2010
Japanese Medical Beliefs Medicine is all around us. It comes in all forms and all types of beliefs. Each person has their own beliefs on what medicine can do to or for the body. No matter what country one visits, there will be a medical office to assist, however their views may vary that what one may be use to. In Japan, things are no different; however, Japan has some beliefs that contrast other countries. The Japanese has received influence from other countries, such as the Chinese, but they have turned everything into their own. They have their own superstitions, traditional medicine (including how they view modern medical needs), and different types of current trends that they follow. Every country has its own superstitions. Certain things that are not allowed to happen on certain days or even certain things must be kept away because of its meanings. In 1998, an experiment was done to see if the Japanese was using the Taian-Butsumetsu superstition when discharging patients. The basis of the study was “To determine the influence of superstition about Taian (a lucky day)-Butsumetsu (an unlucky day) on decision to leave hospital. To estimate the costs of the effect of this superstition” (Hira, Fukui, Endoh, Rahman, & Maekawa, 1998). They took figures from patients discharged from Kyoto University Hospital from the beginning of April 1992 to the end of March of 1995, 3 years worth of patients. In the Japanese world, the Taian-Butsumetsu belief is related to the six day lunar calendar and affects the Japanese culture in a variety of ways since the Taian is suppose to be a lucky day where as the Butsumetsu is supposed to mean unlucky. Due to this superstition, some patients have asked to extend their stay so that they can be released on the following Taian day, which means more costs to the hospitals. To get the most accurate data, they used hospital records and calculated the
References: Faiola, A. (2006). Japan 's workaholics pause for a nap break. Charleston Daily Mail, p.3D. Retrieved July 16, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1069971391). Feelgood. (2008). Deep breathe... its canned oxygen. The Independent on Sunday, 38. Retrieved July 15, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1524579841). Gray, D. (2009) Patients turn to Japanese traditional medicine for alternative healing. Calgary Herald,N.8. Retrieved July 15, 2010, from Canadian Newsstand Complete. (Document ID: 1653301881). Hira, K., Fukui, T., Endoh, A., Rahman, M., & Maekawa, M. (1998) Influence of superstition on the date of hospital discharge and medical cost in Japan: retrospective and descriptive study. British Medical Journal. Retrieved on July 15, 2010 from Katai, Shuichi. Academic Societies related to Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Tsukuba University of Technology. Retrieved July 15, 2010 from Miller, B. (2007) Cultural Anthropology Fourth Edition. Allyn & Bacon. Morioka, Masahiro. (1995) Bioethics and Japanese Culture. Eubois Journal of Asian and International Bioethics. 5, 87-90. Retrieved July 17, 2010 from Onsen, The Japanese Bath. (2006-7) Pure Inside Out. Retrieved July 18, 2010 from Tanaka, Tim (2010) Kampo Japanese Traditional Medicine and Therapeutics. Retrieved July 15, 2010 from Thatcher, Sian. Blood Type-Capillaries hold key to character. Japan Visitor. Retrieved on July 15, 2010 from