N o vI t , Z o I +
Olivia:Roseand Dude2
Joshua:Caland Dude1
Ryan:Bodyguardand Mario
.Jackand Marioand otherdudesplayingpoker*
Dude1: ldiot!Why'dyou bet on our boattickets?
rtn",i)l,h5nil:,# g,w"f7 ^ry
H,#^#f ^,F#
, .&" ,c
/-+\ A\
':'rrv 'tv rrf q
D*!'*_?,Don'tworryabout it.
I tv {*-{) tr 4, [l ?],I sht'nqific Shin ]ai
Mario:Well let's see your cards then.
L"t5& , fu &, f, s: /"t-*/,,,-&
A^t z < h . ( L ;
Jack:Mariowhereareyou from?
t,n .,v'; t: 4 S H r-,4**o
Koc daisaaq
rvrariSl i "^##3^'n^3/i#t
ftrnerliko Eala Ei ^asni$'"
, b P { ) , u > v , ( r l r "" 9S
#,l )\ tt| X t" / k ! t \ ' * 4
Mario:.Awesome! vfosh; U I
"Fthrowsdownhandcelebrates with Mario*
*Roseand Cal boardsshipand goesintosuitetogether.
Cal:You knowI loveyou,Rose
x'"..b ^, fr""# t\ t, z t) t t o R,su a,tqfc.o a,ishrqr",+o*srr*, fi, Bodyguard: sigh...Cal lovesrose.There'sso muchlove. t- @ . A - / t "( d , f f i . " x " f1f )frr ,r { ) * f "
* R o s er e j e c t sh i s l o ve .
L ,,,
(a l *wot , R.osuo a' sh4ts lr n*|t:r
But I don't loveyou
' ( ". r
\"L,b\'t, h*f€ b"* /a,,#
rK"Srftkit8tfi65a"J(6 therairins. &t".Ju.,,
Jack:I wouldn'tdo that if I wereyou.
& f f i f x / c , ,f, c i , l t
F L 6 t ,f r , [ ] ? ,r,k _
uf' tr6 Z.r)z*o j naqr l !
shi. a t'att
Ja6k:lf youjump,I'lljumptoo.
b l e / i v , I .1 , 4 . L I ' . < L y ? r . * f
*Jack startstaking off his jacket.
: Yo u ' l lb e ki l l e d !
h ' * D . u o r*,* p t
6 moJ slru'nima{^T/
Jack:Oh! Hello,I'm Jack,What'syour name?
y t,'T
. ( T , < na . * > - _G , > . ; , y2 T
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: Pleasedto meetyou Jack,I'm Rose
b tr,4*)
<o h,ft.Q 6 D_-^" 7^*^
* 3J-,
I.? ?'. d0uzo F-u w*tg-9hi i* ftortt d&sll"
Jack: PleaseUon'tjump, I don't feel like gettingwet tbdayl t ,*" ./A.[) ?^ F j
*WhenRosetriesto get off the