During the past few history lessons we watched a YouTube documentary on Dr. Jared Diamonds theories. Dr. Jared Diamond is an American author. He works as a professor of geography and physiology, and he is most recognized for his book “Guns, Germs, and Steel”, which he wrote in 1998. The book analyses his own theory on the evolution of society and what he thinks influenced the world to become what it is now in terms of wealth, development and culture. Yali, who was a guide in Papua - New Guinea that Dr. Diamond met, once asked him, “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo, but we black people have little cargo of our own?” To understand and give and answer to this insightful question, Jared Diamond investigated further into this topic, which resulted in him giving out a new theory that changed the world's view on evolution of society and general human history Dr. Jared. Diamonds theory states that human success, their so called “cargo” and development , all at root depends on geographic luck, being given specific resources to live by and to use for their life. All across the world, all nations started of with the different resources that were present at the specific area they were located. According to the theory, the Fertile Crescent, in the Middle East, had the perfect crops and the most useful animals that could be used for domestication. A lot of the evolution of people was based on the domestication of plants. When groups/tribes of people didn't go hunting or gathering but instead, stayed at one place, by a water source, they could obtain all the stronger strains of wheat and barley for growing. That is when humans started to try to control nature rather then living by it's rules. They developed buildings that housed the grains and could keep them for years so they could feed more people. The grains contained more nutrients which could also help expand the tribe and make the people more capable for more work.
During the past few history lessons we watched a YouTube documentary on Dr. Jared Diamonds theories. Dr. Jared Diamond is an American author. He works as a professor of geography and physiology, and he is most recognized for his book “Guns, Germs, and Steel”, which he wrote in 1998. The book analyses his own theory on the evolution of society and what he thinks influenced the world to become what it is now in terms of wealth, development and culture. Yali, who was a guide in Papua - New Guinea that Dr. Diamond met, once asked him, “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo, but we black people have little cargo of our own?” To understand and give and answer to this insightful question, Jared Diamond investigated further into this topic, which resulted in him giving out a new theory that changed the world's view on evolution of society and general human history Dr. Jared. Diamonds theory states that human success, their so called “cargo” and development , all at root depends on geographic luck, being given specific resources to live by and to use for their life. All across the world, all nations started of with the different resources that were present at the specific area they were located. According to the theory, the Fertile Crescent, in the Middle East, had the perfect crops and the most useful animals that could be used for domestication. A lot of the evolution of people was based on the domestication of plants. When groups/tribes of people didn't go hunting or gathering but instead, stayed at one place, by a water source, they could obtain all the stronger strains of wheat and barley for growing. That is when humans started to try to control nature rather then living by it's rules. They developed buildings that housed the grains and could keep them for years so they could feed more people. The grains contained more nutrients which could also help expand the tribe and make the people more capable for more work.