In the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey, there is one character named Jasper Jones who is clearly portrayed as an outcast in the town of Corrigan. Chapter one provides many examples of Jasper being portrayed as an outcast. The novel Jasper Jones focuses on Jaspers own view of himself as an outcast which is also a view that is shared by the rest of the town people too.
It is clearly highlighted in the first chapter that Jasper Jones has a shocking reputation. He is labelled by the townspeople as a thief, a liar and a thug. He’s described as lazy, unreliable and he is constantly skipping school. Charlie explains that, “Jasper Jones is the example of where poor aptitude and attitude will lead.” Charlie also describes Jaspers appearance by saying, “Jasper Jones has outgrown his clothes. His button up shirt is dirty and fit to burst, and his short pants are cut just past his knee. He wears no shoes. He looks like an Island castaway.” This description given by Charlie shows that Jasper doesn’t take pride in the way he presents himself which adds to his image as an outcast in the town of Corrigan.
Not only does the town think badly of Jasper, he also thinks badly upon himself too. ‘They think I’m half an animal with half a vote. They think I’m no good.’ Jasper says. Once he hears the town talking about his behaviour he upholds his terrible reputation. He has nothing to lose now. Jasper thinks that when something goes wrong in the town of Corrigan that they will automatically think it was him and that he doesn’t even have the chance to explain.
Overall, Jasper Jones is portrayed as an outcast in two main ways. In the novel, the townspeople and Charlie have included their opinion that you shouldn’t associate with Jasper. In a way Jasper also agrees with the townspeople and thinks that he is trouble as well. These two clear views of Jasper show the ways in which he is portrayed as an outcast in the novel.