Jazz started when World War I had just ended and a social revolution was on its way. Customs and values of previous were rejected. Life was to be lived to the fullest. This was also known as the era of the "lost generations," and the "flapper" with her rolled stockings, short skirts, and straight up-and-down look. They disturbed their elders in the casino, night clubs, and speakeasies that replaced the ballrooms of prewar days. Dancing became more informal - close of the nineteenth century in the unpleasant dance halls and whorehouses of the South and Midwest where the word Jazz commonly meant sexual intercourse. Southern blacks, delivered from slavery a few decades before, started playing European music Afro modifications.
The first place of jazz has many origins: New Orleans, St. Louis, Memphis and Kansas City are just a few. New Orleans was and still remains an important jazz center. The ethnic backgrounds of people who went to the whorehouses and bars were a huge part of the development of jazz music. Because of the Louisiana Purchase, the city had been under the Spanish French rule. By 1900, it was a blend of different ethnic backgrounds such as Spanish, French, English, German, Italian, Slavic and countless blacks originally brought in as slaves.
The first jazz bands contained a "rhythm section" and a “melodic section”. The rhythm section consisted of a string bass, drums, and a guitar or banjo. The "melodic section" consisted of a cornet, trombone, clarinet, and a violin. As years went on jazz was taken over by large orchestras. Jazz bands contained fifteen or more musicians. They are now considered and known as the "big bands", even though the jazz music we hear today has very little to do with real jazz.
Jazz is characterized by certain features. The first is a tendency to stress the weak beats of the bar (2nd and 4th) in contrast to traditional music which stressed the first
Bibliography: http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112733/JazzMusiciansPast/LouisArmstrong/default.htm http://articles.latimes.com/2003/apr/28/entertainment/et-reich28 http://musiced.about.com/od/musicinstruments/ig/Jazz-Musical-Instruments/ http://www.outsideshore.com/school/music/almanac/html/Elements_Of_Jazz/Fundamentals/Rhythm.htm http://www.redhotjazz.com/buddy.html http://www.pbs.org/jazz/biography/artist_id_bolden_buddy.htm