Friendships were never far off the line of envy, contempt, and adoration. Despite what others may say, it was nice to be alone. In the safety of your own room, in the comfort of your own belongings, in the cage that you created, at least then I couldn’t disappoint myself. However, complete solitude was a pipe dream. I was surrounded by people: relatives, family, and friends. Throughout the years my relationships never amounted to anything more than conversations about recent radio tunes, new novels, or current cartoons. I was complacent. Complacent with distancing myself, complacent with watching my friends branching out, it was better to be complacent than to play along with Jealousy. The more time I spent with someone, the more envious I grew, the more flaws I tried to find, and the more imperfections I fabricated in order to bring them down to my
Friendships were never far off the line of envy, contempt, and adoration. Despite what others may say, it was nice to be alone. In the safety of your own room, in the comfort of your own belongings, in the cage that you created, at least then I couldn’t disappoint myself. However, complete solitude was a pipe dream. I was surrounded by people: relatives, family, and friends. Throughout the years my relationships never amounted to anything more than conversations about recent radio tunes, new novels, or current cartoons. I was complacent. Complacent with distancing myself, complacent with watching my friends branching out, it was better to be complacent than to play along with Jealousy. The more time I spent with someone, the more envious I grew, the more flaws I tried to find, and the more imperfections I fabricated in order to bring them down to my