Almost in every century, every nation there is war and natural disasters in this world. We cannot count anymore how much sadness, injury, pain, sorrow, dread that they get. But with International Red cross many souls can be helped.Redcross decreases their injuries, their pain, and their sorrows with love. And all of that was started by an inspired man called Jean Henri Dunant.
Dunant was born in Geneva, Switzerland in May 8th, 1828. He was the first born of business lady Jean-Jacques Dunant and Antoinette Dunant-Colladon. His family was religiously devoutly Calvinist and had significant influence in Geneva Society. His parents stressed the value of social work and his father was active in helping orphans and prisons, while his mother worked with the sick and poor.
Dunant grew up during the period of religious awakening known as the Revival (Re’veil) and at the age of eighteen (18years), he joined the Geneva society for ALMS giving. In the following year, together with his friends, he founded the so called “Thursday Association”, loose band of young men that met to study the bible and help the poor, and spent much of his time engaged in prison visits and social worker.
On November 30th, 1852, he founded the Geneva chapter of YMCA and three years later, he took part in the Paris meeting devoted to the founding of its International organization.
In 1849, at the age of 21years, Dunant was forced to leave the college Calvin due to poor grades, and he begun an apprenticeship with the money changing firm LILLIN et Sautte.After its successful conclusion, he remained as an employee of the Bank.
In 1853, Dunant visited Algeria, Tunisia and Sicily, on assignment with a company devoted to the colonies of SETIF” Despite of the little experience, he