Referring to the article and Jedidah Isler’s STEM Diversity TED Talk; helped me understand the stem means in diversity, STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. “We tend to focus more on these areas together not only because the skills and knowledge in each correction are critical for student success, but also because these fields are extremely disheveled in the real world and in how students learn most successfully”. (Jedidah Isler’s) First steps of diversity and into the richer and more robust territory of full inclusion and equal opportunity. As …show more content…
she believed in diversity and her deepest value that believed in diversity into her studding in science and becoming an astrophysicist. Most people were facing gender racialist gender biased. Woman in color or anyone who is different about majority group will not have the experience in the same experience of in just woman or and people of color are less opportunity just because of that not understand.
Going to k to 12th grade will be very good because we live in society, where diversity have in everywhere we go and also diversity is my part of our individual. I feel like going to elementary will be a better than high school students because they can understand a lot faster and I am assuming that their brain has not adopted a lot of racism. As the children grew up; will listen to what we raised and have being though even though it’s bad for our diversity. I remember I went school in Kenya and the school I attend were all black Christian students so I had to adopt their culture when it coming to praying time before eating I was in dorm student at that time.
My own cultural character and biases could maybe involve in the aspect of this diversity biased assignment, both good and bad.
I think us as a society we must stop desperate objecting, and start making honest in our individual lives. Putting people of a color aside, everyone has their own free-for-alls; not everybody hurlers are a form discernment.
I think there are benefits to having cross cultural relations. Every culture has their own principles and ways of intellectual; “by having an open mind to others’ point views, you open your eyes to opportunities’ (father). An opportunity to see the world through other eyes; maybe helping you see things differently, which could be better or worse, and making changes within yourself and actions. From what I had gathered my surrounds is that keeping an open mind to others is very important if you want to be able to distinguish, and sympathize with traditionally diverse