Jeffrey P. Bezos
Born: 12 January 1964 Birthplace: Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Graduated from Princeton University(1986) BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Launched in 1994, Online Retail Book Store.
Chairman of Board from 1996 C.E.O from May 1996
President from 1994 – June 1999
October 2000 – Present
Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 1999
@ Stayed Optimistic and Survived Tough times @ Did not earn his success overnight but by taking one step at a time. Earned Profits only after 6 years of inception of his company.
“Optimism is essential when trying to do anything difficult because difficult things often take a long time. That optimism can carry you through the various stages as the long term unfolds. And it's the long term that matters”. Entrepreneurship – State of mind than working for yourself. Being Resourceful, Self-Reliant, Problem Solver.
By sharing his success story , Jeff could influence students to be motivated and focused to achieve what they want ,than to worry about the downward trend in market.
Technological changes did not affect Jeff Bezos's business motto which is : “Try to give your customers the biggest selection at the best prices, delivered cheaply and easily.” Jeff Bezos's Business motive did not change with time .
Vision is to be the world's most customer-centric company. Place where people come to