During this period, there is a powerful search for personal authenticity and discovery, yet it is also enriched with self- doubt and awareness causing numerous young people to experience confusion leaving them lost and unsure. One might understand identity issues and identity formation through the role of personal agency and individualization. According to Cote, his identity capital model provides ideas with which to understand individual differences in the transition to adulthood in terms of the resources at a person’s disposal (Cote, …show more content…
Economic progress makes possible the period of independent identity exploration. In regards to Cote’s identity capital model, resources that allow for late modernity can be both tangible (parents’ social class, gender, group memberships) and intangible (personality, psychosocial and intellectual development) (Cote, 120). “Tangible identity capital resources enable access to, and the ability to benefit from, structural networks and positions, while intangible resources include various (unconscious and conscious) strategies and, over time, the gains made through these efforts can become resources to further exchange” (Cote, 120). Self-reflection, confidence, and self-regulation are crucial when making progress in one’s life, yet for people suffering from anxiety, the reality may be different. Anxiety in emerging adulthood challenges one to easily adapt to their environment and reduces the likelihood of successful transitions into adulthood. Having anxiety may predict lower education development, reduced financial earnings, and may lower productivity in major aspects of life and hinder meaningful