Jonalyn Barrera
Gerald Llaban
Princess Lemence
Geraldine Lopez
Katherine Anne Villaluna
Global City Innovative College
English II
February 01, 2011
Submitted to:
Ms. Mildred Tallorin
Chapter I: Introduction
This study covers the Non-Standard Lingos vs. the English language; the effects, advantages and disadvantages of it. The study aims to achieve all the purposes that were made to make this study possible. As you read this study further, you will know the different effects of Non-Standard Lingos to the teenagers. One of the good effects of Non-Standard Lingos is that it gives pleasure to the social group while one of its bad effects is that the person forgets the main language. The instrument to be used is the Descriptive Survey Method, which will be conducted at Global City Innovative College and to be answered by the 30 teenager students of Global City Innovative College. After criticizing this study, you will gain a lot of information why many teenagers nowadays use Non-Standard Lingos as their language.
Nature of the study:
The term Jejemon was based on the Spanish word “jeje” means laughter and the word “mon,” came from the Japanese anime pokemon” with –mon which means monster, according to Wikipedia. A Jejemon is a person "who has managed to subvert the English language to the point of incomprehensibility." (Urban Dictionary)
According to various blogs, the possible originator of the Jejemon phenomenon is a person that goes by the alias “LiL’ ZupLadO”.
In the year of 2010, this was become controversial and famous and mostly the teenagers are the users. Jejemons are people who type letters in alternate form (big letter-small letter form). The Philippine Daily Inquirer describes Jejemons as a "new breed of hipster who have developed not only their own language and