In the Bible, Jesus' leadership can be summed up as having vision translated into reality, creating a leadership team, establishing authority for the church and over Satan, and preparing himself for any situation.
Jesus walked the earth more than 2,000 years ago. This one man made such an impression on those around him that he is still to this day considered the greatest leader of all time. For one man to make such an impact on the world, especially considering the obstacles and lack of technology; to me, is amazing. Jesus' example of leadership is so unique to any other leader of his time and even to today's leaders. This fact could very well be the reason why it was so successful. No one else can even compare to his …show more content…
style of leadership. By analyzing the style of leadership Jesus used, I have come up with some main points.
Vision is the first main point of Jesus' leadership style. Jesus had established visions and had a direction for himself and the ones he was leading. Vision, goals, direction, and ambition can all be incorporated together in this aspect of leadership.
Ambition can be defined as the strong desire to achieve something. Through using ambition, goals, and direction a vision can be achieved. "He has a compass that points true in the thickest of fog and fiercest storm, and regardless of magnetic rocks," is a quote by S.D. Gordon describing God's ambition and vision. In order to be a good spiritual leader, such as Jesus, a leader must possess the ability to translate a vision into reality. They must also be able to explain the visions, goals, and strategy to their followers and provide them a sense of direction. We are able to see Jesus' vision in Luke 4:18. He tells the people that he has been anointed from the Lord to preach good news to the poor, free the prisoners, and release the oppressed. In Luke 18:31-33, Jesus then tells the disciples his goals and describes the goals to them. He predicts his death and tells the disciples that he will rise again on the third day. In John 7:4 and John 7:6, Jesus then completes his vision by finishing his work on earth, and ultimately dying and giving up his spirit. The second main aspect of Jesus' leadership is a leader team. "Spiritual leaders are not made by election or
appointment, by men or any combination of men, nor by conferences or meetings. Only God can make them," (Hamrick 316). Jesus carefully selected his twelve disciples, and even spent the entire night before selecting them in prayer before God to make sure that he would choose the right ones. Even though he always had a perfect communication with God, he still felt it necessary to spend the whole night before in prayer. Jesus did not choose disciples that were all similar to him, sharing the same opinions, well-balanced state of mind, and levels of enthusiasm as he had. Jesus had a group of twelve disciples that were all different and thought differently. By having all of these different disciples, he was able to see different perspectives on things, and even understand situations better. Jesus also knew however, each disciple's weak points, and he was a very good judge of character. He was able to use each of his disciples' weak points and take advantage of their strong points. A strong group of trusted advisers is frequently advised throughout the bible. "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed," (Proverbs 15:22).
The next big issue for Jesus was establishing authority. Jesus had to establish a strong authority for the church and over Satan. If he had not shown authority over things he would have been left a weak church and even a weak life. Jesus was given a huge amount of respect by his followers, but with this required great authority as a leader. When people completely put their faith in him, such as the centurion man in Capernaum (Matthew 8:5-10), we see the multitude of his authority over others. This played a huge part in Jesus' role as a leader. By taking advantage of his authority on issues, Jesus was also able to delegate tasks after he died. The church is still following through with his tasks over 2000 years later. A failure to delegate on his part could have ultimately caused the church to fail.
While establishing authority over others and receiving respect, though, a good leader should also remember to stay balanced. Jesus had an enormous amount of respect from his followers, but he also encouraged them greatly. He continued to help others and was selfless, while not losing sight of his vision the entire time. He encouraged those who believed in him, and reminded them that he has created us beautifully; he has given us salvation, peace of mind, love, care, and healing. He also did not condemn them, but tried to motivate them in receiving those gifts. He was able to draw the best out of other people, which is a key component to spiritual leadership.
Jesus also prepared himself for most situations. If he wasn't prepared, he would then take the time to pray and think it over before he acted. He would prepare his disciples for upcoming events, and share with them his visions and goals. By staying on top of things, he was able to make a huge impact on his people.
In my opinion, the most important and most successful portion of Jesus' leadership was his integrity. He has absolute perfect integrity. He never broke laws, rules, or regulations in times of crisis. The Lord always has the same standards for everything, but we are the ones who continuously change them. Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and will be forever. He never changes and is always perfect. Anyone who aspires to leadership should keep these leadership principles in mind, and should try and live by them. We should all aspire to live by the example of Jesus Christ.