Transaction Processing System (TPS)
This is responsible for ticket reservation and tracking flow of all transaction.
`Customer Relationship Management system (CRM)
This helps firms manage teir relationship with their customers
Executive Support System (ESS)
Used by senior managers to address strategic issues and longterm planning.
Human Resource function business process
Failure in this business was evident in the failure to hire or predict enough airline's staffing needs to keep up with the company's rapid growth.
JetBlue Business Model
JetBlue's business model was to offer luxurious flying with the quality costumer service at a low price. This would be achieved by cutting "unecessary" expenses, and through the use of information technology and information system. The airline Automated all its services, emplyed lean non-union workforce, operated airbus A320 and used almost exclusively microsoft software for information system. This gave them advantage over their competitors as they were able to offer better rates. This grew more rapidly than envisioned.
Problem Experienced
Febuary 14, 2007 New York city are experienced an ice storm affecting flights ouut of New York. Most ailines cancelled flights but JetBlue dis not hoping to life up to its reputation of excellent service. They thought it would be better to delay than to cancel flights. This led to crew and passengers being stranded in the planes withour basic nesesecities such as water, food and proper toilets. This led to JetBLue finally cancelling flights. Many costumers started rebooking, cabcelling, and tracking their baggages. The automated system and staff could not handle all the traffic of information. The airline alsin lacked a proper communacation system, so pilots, flight attendants and other staff could not be located or told where to go.
TPS was unable manage passenger's rebooking, cancelling or rescheduling their flights. This is the