The types of Jihad maybe the key to actually understanding what Jihad is, there are four types of Jihads. The first type of Jihad is to struggle against one’s self and desire, the second is to struggle against the temptations of Shaitan (Satan), the third is to struggle against the disbelievers and the fourth is to struggle against the hypocrites. Struggling against one's self desires means forcing yourself to follow the orders of God (Allah) and to stay away from what God (Allah) has ordered to stay away from. This includes performing the obligatory and the voluntary, and to abandon all acts that are Haram (unlawful) or Makrooh (disliked). This type of jihad also includes forcing oneself to behave with the best manners, the best morals, and to stay away from bad behavior at a time when our desires tell us the opposite. Struggling against Satan means to defend you from his evil whisperings, his doubtful matters, his temptations, and his lustfulness. This type of jihad is an obligation for all individuals and no one can do it on another ones behalf. Understand that Satan's whisperings will never go away, and therefore, struggling throughout life. The struggle against the disbelievers and the hypocrites has four levels, which are: In the heart, the tongue, wealth and soul. When struggling with the disbelievers, more than likely, there will be use of hands or physical strength. On the other hand, when struggling against the hypocrites, Jihad will be used through speech to preach to them. These two types of Jihad are
The types of Jihad maybe the key to actually understanding what Jihad is, there are four types of Jihads. The first type of Jihad is to struggle against one’s self and desire, the second is to struggle against the temptations of Shaitan (Satan), the third is to struggle against the disbelievers and the fourth is to struggle against the hypocrites. Struggling against one's self desires means forcing yourself to follow the orders of God (Allah) and to stay away from what God (Allah) has ordered to stay away from. This includes performing the obligatory and the voluntary, and to abandon all acts that are Haram (unlawful) or Makrooh (disliked). This type of jihad also includes forcing oneself to behave with the best manners, the best morals, and to stay away from bad behavior at a time when our desires tell us the opposite. Struggling against Satan means to defend you from his evil whisperings, his doubtful matters, his temptations, and his lustfulness. This type of jihad is an obligation for all individuals and no one can do it on another ones behalf. Understand that Satan's whisperings will never go away, and therefore, struggling throughout life. The struggle against the disbelievers and the hypocrites has four levels, which are: In the heart, the tongue, wealth and soul. When struggling with the disbelievers, more than likely, there will be use of hands or physical strength. On the other hand, when struggling against the hypocrites, Jihad will be used through speech to preach to them. These two types of Jihad are