That’s when Jim will start cracking jokes about every lunch period. If Jim was here all the time the students here would listen to the jokes instead of making jokes about the food. Where Jim Gaffigan would come is Pinelands Regional Junior High School. It would be an honor meeting him for the first time in my life!
After that, if he actually comes he will tell jokes. I know he’s a great comedian. If we pull this off we would obviously have a way to pay him back. Which was our thankfulness of a poster saying thank you with laughing emojis next to it. …show more content…
Also if they would let me change the menu, there would be a few additions to the lunchroom menu. There would be fresh sushi, fresh produce and best of all fresh meat like BACON! There will be so many improvements to every classroom like air conditioning and so much more because he will be like “why is it so hot in here?”.
The only reason that I picked Jim Gaffigan is not only that he’s funny, but he can make random stuff up and it's still funny. If there is anything that this school needs it’s him. This school’s food is like they recycled it and re-used it. Jim Gaffigans best phrase is “ hot pocket” but we don’t want those nuclear food warheads