Parents, when their children are born, have a certain way they think that their child will be when the child grows to adulthood. So, assuming they know what the child should be like, raise the child to try to fit into a certain mold of a “good child.” But no two people are exactly alike. A father may have been an athletic jock with great grades, while his son could be unathletic and struggle in school. On the other hand, maybe a child could be a great student but the parent expected the child to only be athletic and then does not support the child in school. It was Jim Morrison, lead singer for the the band The Doors, who said, “The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us …show more content…
He like quite a few others fell into the fabled 27 club, (group of musicians who died at 27 years old) the “club” consists of many members, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, and Amy Winehouse just to name a few. According to Michael Burgan, author of Jim Morrison, “Jim had enough of his father’s strict rules and as a teen, he began to drink and abuse drugs.”(7) Jim loved to read and he loved to break the rules. He was not fond of his father, who was a naval officer with strict rules and chores for Jim, and began to despise him. His troubled childhood more than likely drove him to make his famous quote about parents committing murder with smiles. His father killed his dreams, and in a way was killing Jim. Despite all of the contempt he had for his father, he got his love of music from him. According to Biography. Com, his father was an avid pianist, “attracting a minor crowd whenever he would touch the keys,” said Jim’s brother …show more content…
Teenage years are when one finally starts to establish himself as who he wants to be, and when what he wants to be is not an option, he begins to rebel. Parents think that by making sure that a child maintains a perfect GPA will assure them a happy life, but in reality life is much more complex than that. If a child is not very smart but tries hard and makes passing grades, he should be commended not ostracized because he is not a “genius.” Yet there's another side of parenting that can be just as bad, the side that is a cheerleader for their child. The parents that believe their child can do no wrong and never punish him. When a child is not punished, he begins to believe he can do anything he wants without any repercussion, with no sense of right or wrong, the child can easily become a degenerate. Loving a child is important, but it has to be in the correct way. Giving a child everything he wants sounds like a great thing to do, but in all reality it just gives him a false sense of what the world will be like in the future. A child needs to be taught about making tough decisions and being able to accept it when the world is not giving him everything that the parents gave him. When this happens, his psyche begins to deteriorate, which can lead to alcohol and drug abuse, or even worse than that prison