Ronald Regan changed of mind in handling the soviet, through military measures and diplomatic relationship contributed to the end of the cold war.
Reagan’s military tactics was acknowledged by the secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger. That it would build a military strength restraining the Soviet Union’s economy internally causing disorder. The President aided, supported the anti-communist countries and repressive regimes. United Sates also assisted military dictatorships who were elected to the office. Also, liberals and socialist movement seeking for assistance from the Soviets Union (9322). He crippled the Soviet Union influence around the world.
During President Regan’s administration he was bold used confront the Soviets. In his second term Reagan’s ambition was to handle the …show more content…
In support of the deal UN General Assembly approved the complete nuclear test ban treaty. Later, Gorbachev ended the war in Afghanistan. On the other hand, Reagan puts policymakers who agreed with the new Détente Strategy. In the West and Eastern Europe there was protest and demand for liberation. In November 1989, came the fall of the Berlin wall. The unification of German in 1990, Poland, Hungry and former iron curtain countries joined the NATO. In 1992, Western Europe teamed up to form a common European economic market. According to James Roark 2014, the Republic were influenced by the freedom the Eastern Europe got, Republic with the Soviet Union seek for their own freedom (935). Russian, also formed a commonwealth of independence states and former soviets states stated their