Firstly, Jimmy Valentine settled down,got a job,and got married.In A Retrived Reformation thenarriator states,”He opened a shoe-store and secured a good run of trade.”To rephrase it Jimmy …show more content…
While at the same time Jimmy walked out of the bank,after saving his sister-in-law's daughter, without any of the bank's money,nor did he take his tools. Another thing people would say is Jimmy Valentine was robbing banks before he arrived in Elmore ,so what would make him stop? Well since Jimmy met Annabel he fell in love,and he wanted to reinvent himself and become a better person.Thus proving he was not his old self.Lastly people who support the counterclaim would say that Jimmy only Agatha so he could get closer to Mr.Adams and at the same time closer to the bank.While this is a ok point ultimately this is not true,for at the end of A Retrieved Reformation Jimmy said,”Got around at last,have you?Well let's go.” To say it in other words this is Jimmy giving himself up to Ben,so there would be no reason to get closer to the bank just to give himself up. In conclusion the counterclaim is not correct and Jimmy is definitely committed to a just