Overview of Just-in-Time Inventory Management
Just-in-time is a movement and idea that has gained wide acceptance in the business community over the past decade. As companies became more and more competitive and the pressures from Japans continuous improvement culture, other firms were forced to find innovative ways to cut costs and compete. The idea behind JIT, or lean manufacturing, is to have the supplies a firm needs at the exact moment that they are needed. In order to accomplish this goal a firm must constantly be seeking ways to reduce waste and enhance value. A recent survey of senior manufacturing executives showed that 71% used some form of JIT in their processes (Pragman). This simple statistic illustrates that JIT is here to stay and also that firms must constantly be searching for ways to cut costs and achieve an advantage. JIT is one way to achieve that end result.
In order to understand how JIT works a common vocabulary needs to be established from which to further discuss the topic and gain insight into why so many firms have adopted it. As previously stated, one of the key components of JIT is to reduce waste and add value. There are several activities that a company must monitor as targets for reducing waste. Among these are, excessive waste times, inflated inventories, unneeded people or material movement, unnecessary processing steps, numerous variabilities throughout a firm's activities and any other non-value adding activity. A key example of this is a new plant that Caterpillar is bringing on-line in the near future. By reducing the number of times a bucket had to be repositioned while it was being welded, Caterpillar was able to reduce the amount of time the bucket spent in the welding line, reduce labor costs by limiting idle time at the welding station and increase the efficiency of the entire manufacturing process.
The layout and inventories that are part of a