J.K. Rowling’s dedication to her book and fighting through a very tough time in her life proved what perseverance can do. To persevere means to face a challenge that may leave an individual failing, but to have the discipline and tenacity to continue fighting through the challenge.
In order to persevere, it is important to have a disciplined mind with which to face the challenge.
Keeping the mind straight on the path may be difficult for some, but when mastered, a disciplined mind can unlock great potential in oneself. It takes a lot of strength and will power to be able to do so. Many successful people can attribute their successes to self- discipline. A great example of a disciplined mind would be the famous Samurai and philosopher, Miyamoto Musashi. Musashi was the top duelist in the feudal era of Japan when Samurai were feared and dueling and war were common. In his book “The Book of Five Rings” Musashi speaks immensely of discipline and the mind. He states that, “Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.” This means that one must first have the self-discipline to control their own mind and actions before they can control outside factors and situations. This quote applies to everyone, and suggests that people need to have the discipline to strive to be a better person and to push forward despite the challenges they are faced
Never faltering, a tenacious person has true grit; someone that never gives up and just keeps pushing. General George Patton was a prime example of a tenacious human being. While commanding the 3rd Army in the last year of World War II he led his men through fierce battles covering most of Europe (The Official Website of General George S. Patton, Jr.). One of General Patton’s greatest quotes to his men was, "Attack rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, without rest, however tired and hungry you may be, the enemy will be more tired, more hungry. Keep punching." His tenacity inspired thousands of men to keep pushing and ultimately win the fight. Throughout life, everyone faces challenges and obstacles. One’s success is determined by their ability to push through, regardless of the situations they find themselves in. J.K. Rowling had the tenacity and discipline to begin a writing career despite the other obstacles she was battling in her life. It would have been easy for her to quit after the first several rejections, however she chose to continually put herself and her work out on the line in the pursuit of her goals. Perseverance is a culmination of discipline and tenacity in order to overcome challenges and ultimately be successful.