This series was inspired by his move to La Malbarrosa beach where he was a happy person. “El Baño del Caballo” is one of the most recognized painting of this series. It shows the artist’s skill regarding light. Also, this painting and the rest of the series show a happy interpretation of reality. He uses colors such as white and blue. Blue represents calm and sometimes it is associated with happiness. And this series is part of Corolla's happiest moments because he returned from the Unites States with a lot of success due to a huge commission. The most important element of this painting is the tonality of the colors and the blend of white and blue. Also, how he uses his skills to provide movement to the painting. The viewer can admire the sense of serenity in the painting due to the blue tonality and the peaceful
This series was inspired by his move to La Malbarrosa beach where he was a happy person. “El Baño del Caballo” is one of the most recognized painting of this series. It shows the artist’s skill regarding light. Also, this painting and the rest of the series show a happy interpretation of reality. He uses colors such as white and blue. Blue represents calm and sometimes it is associated with happiness. And this series is part of Corolla's happiest moments because he returned from the Unites States with a lot of success due to a huge commission. The most important element of this painting is the tonality of the colors and the blend of white and blue. Also, how he uses his skills to provide movement to the painting. The viewer can admire the sense of serenity in the painting due to the blue tonality and the peaceful