• Develop an overall strategy based on your answers to these three questions:
1. What two to five facts about yourself do you want the interviewer to know?
2. What disadvantages or weaknesses do you need to overcome or minimize?
3. What do you need to know about the job and the organization to decide whether or not you want to accept this job if it is offered to you?
Wear a conservative business suit to the interview.
Bring an extra copy of your résumé, something to write on and write with, and copies of your work to the interview.
Record the name of the interviewer, what the interviewer liked about you, any negative points that came up, answers to your questions about the company, and when you'll hear from the company. •
Rehearse everything you can. Ask a friend to interview you. If your campus has videotaping facilities, watch yourself on tape so that you can evaluate and modify your interview behavior.
Be your best self at the interview.
In a stress interview, the interviewer deliberately creates physical or psychological stress.
Change the conditions that create physical stress. Meet psychological stress by rephrasing questions in less inflammatory teens and treating them as requests for information.
Successful applicants know what they want to do, use the company name in the interview, have researched the company in advance, back up claims with specifics, use technical jargon, ask specific questions, and talk more of the time.
As you practice answers to questions you may be asked, choose answers that fit your qualifications and your interview strategy.
Behavioral interviews ask the applicant to describe actual behaviors, rather than plans or general principles. Situational interviews put you in a situation that allows the interviewer to see whether you have the qualities the company is seeking.
Use follow-up phone calls to reinforce positives from