Captain Edith Strong is the first woman to be promoted to captain. She has spent 18 years working through the ranks to achieve this high of a position in her agency and she is familiar with the internal problems her agency has a problem with. All the patrol officers believe they have a heavy workload and complain that they go from one incident to the next and spend too much time generating reports. The patrolmen fell that they have to cut corners to get their preliminary investigations completed because the time consumed generating reports. The patrol officers do not interact with each other except during shift change and roll call. A survey shows that the job is viewed as dissatisfying, morale is low, response time is long, the number of citizen-initiated complaints is up, more officers are filing disability claims, and employee turnover is exceeding projections. Captain Edith Strong is now in a position to make a difference to create a solution program that meets the needs of the department and the employees (More, Vito, & Walsh, 2012,).…
Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin M. Gilmartin, Ph.D. is a book that seeks to inform and instruct those seeking to be in law enforcement, law enforcement professionals and their families of the realities of a career in law enforcement- professionally and personally. And how to best prepare for emotional survival of “on-duty and off-duty” life. It also compares and contrasts what happens to officers at the beginning of this journey and what typical happens to officers overtime; focusing mainly on what happens to officers that don’t know the techniques of emotional survival. Though it does give some examples of officers who have emotional survival skills, it focuses on exemplifying the officers whose lives suffer from the lack of these skills and what great detriment it causes.…
This research is steered by self-determination theory (SDT) developed by Deci and Ryan (1985) as it offers useful means of identifying antecedents of burnout. One factor that influences the burnout process described by SDT is perfectionism (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Due to perfectionistic individuals have exceptionally high standards and irrational beliefs for success, these characteristics are likely to lead to criticism, ruminative, self-focusing and personal incompetence when the end results do not comply with desired targets (Aghdasi, 2014). This in turn increases the risk of burnout due to not fulfilling the expected goals of one’s performance. Accordingly, the most prevalent and widely researched model of perfectionism is Hewitt and Flett’s…
Similar to military service, individuals are attracted to a law enforcement profession for various reasons. Some are interested in the authoritative position while others are attracted by the ability to uphold high standards of law enforcement. Whatever the reason for pursuing this line of profession, one thing remains constant for each law enforcement professional is the stress, and how the stress has a limited or lasting effect. The focus of this paper is on the effects of stress to law enforcement professionals and may be generic in some aspects in order to generalize effects as each individual’s reaction to a situation may be significantly different depending on many factors. Much research has been…
Throughout the policing history of women and minorities they have struggled to be seen as equal in the law enforcement. Women have been forced to deal with discrimination within ranking and even overlooked for promotions that they were well qualified for.…
This literature review analyzes the problem of underrepresentation of women in top executive positions in law enforcement in the state of Georgia. The study will provide an analysis of the gaps, trends and various occurring problems both in the past and currently regarding how African American Women have been underrepresented in law enforcement agencies. History of the Black women in these job positions will be addressed providing a comparison with their white women and men in general occupying these positions. Historical perspective will trace back these issues from the period of 1900. Also discussed is how diversity at the work place has affected AAW and their performance. Specific concern will be placed on how race and gender have been a hindering factor to their performance. A major issue that affects law enforcement agencies has been the glass ceiling and how over time has been used to hinder AAW at work place. The paper deeply analyzes challenges and various barriers that face women from obtaining promotions of executive positions in law enforcement.…
In the past, women took a back seat and were viewed at a lesser status than man, but the role of women and minorities has changed over the years with regards to the selection process, how high they can rank, and which areas they would normally patrol. Women and minorities are now able to be promoted as highly as Chief of Police, without regard to their gender or race, but rather to tenure and performance. Additionally, women and minorities are now treated with more fairness within their respective forces, compared to how women used…
Lewis, J., Packard, T., & Lewis, M. (2007). Management of human service programs. Belmont: Thomson.…
Among police occupations, gender disparity has existed for centuries even though progress has been shown throughout past decades. Valiant efforts from women on all accounts have proven progress towards the goal. The fight and battle from women exemplify an end to gender disparity among police officers as statistics show headway into the equalization of the work force. From the beginning of the first sworn woman officer to 13% population of women among the force show progress through history. Media plays a massive role in the perception of women in the force due their representation. Changing attitudes of the male counterparts have been proven to help incorporate women into the field. In all, gender disparity exists through all work forces…
University of Phoenix. (2010). Management of Human Service Programs. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BSHS462 website…
Women have worked within our law enforcement system for over one hundred and seventy years. This paper examines the history and current status of women in policing and the challenges they have faced. History of women in policing will be presented from the first instances of women being hired as law enforcement to their current status. Research information indicates that, despite high levels of sexual harassment and discrimination, women police officers perform as well as their male peers although their numbers are small within their departments.…
Discrimination in policing is persistent behavior against minorities and women. Unfortunately, the US has as extended history of job discrimination that involves the prejudicial treatment of people in the workforce on the basis of their race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, or religion. It involves the restriction of members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, only in the past few decades minorities and women have been able to share the concept of equal employment opportunity. Discrimination in police departments has been around for many years and the prejudice is identical, if not the same in other professions. The primary reasons of discrimination are ignorance, insecurity, hatred, and intolerance for progression. These main examples of discrimination are an unfavorable concept that plagues police departments and it hinders equal opportunity. Fortunately, the federal government acknowledges the fact that discrimination is prevalent and there have been civil statutes, court rulings, and affirmative action to help ameliorate the situation. In spite of that, discrimination in policing still exists and there are continuous efforts for equality.…
Throughout the United States, women were minorities in Law Enforcement. Women have been in policing for over 150 years and, despite strong resistance by those within the male-dominated field and public opinion, have challenged traditional and stereotypical perceptions of “authentic” police officers; women have used their talents and abilities in policing to prove their capacity as viable police officers. For example, Alice Stebbin Wells was the first women to be called a policewomen in the Los Angeles Police Department in 1910. Though there has been disagreements as to who was the ‘first’ women officer in the U.S, these women pushed to get opportunities for pursuing a career in law enforcement and their efforts caused inroads in the struggle…
Gender bias, sexual harassment, and lack of training have been an ongoing struggle for women in policing and it continues in today. I will be discussing this issue and will assess its past, present and future implications as they relate to the Criminal Justice System. I will be discussing my assessment of the past history and present circumstances of woman in policing. I will also include my predictions and recommendation of how these issues' should be addressed by the police and prosecutor in the future.…
During the mid-70’s Freudenberger introduced the concept of burnout as the emotional exhaustion developed as an outcome of job demands working as a mental health practitioner. Since then the term has been used to describe negative reactions to the stress caused by work related tasks (Thornton, 1992). The repercussions on mental health workers providing direct services to individuals with a history of traumatic experiences are known for several decades; few studies have researched the emotional response from professionals to the direct contact with trauma survivors. The social support field may be highly rewarding or highly stressful to employees depending on the situations their clients disclose; mental health providers are exposed to a higher…