Office Manager 5/30/2005
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(The main reason for the position, in what context and what is the overall end result)
The Office Manager is responsible organizing and coordinating office operations and procedures in order to ensure organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
(The way that the position contributes to and impacts on the organization)
The Office Manager reports to the Senior Administrative Officer and is responsible for providing office management services to the First Nations Office. This includes maintaining office services and efficiency, supervising office staff and maintaining office records.
(Major responsibilities and target accomplishments expected of the position including the typical problems encountered in carrying out the responsibilities.)
Maintain office services Main Activities: Design and implement office policies Establish standards and procedures Organize office operations and procedures Supervise office staff Monitor and record long distance phone calls Prepare time sheets Control correspondences Review and approve supply requisitions Liaise with other agencies, organizations and groups Update organizational memberships Maintain office equipment
Supervise office staff Main Activities: Assign and monitor clerical and secretarial functions Recruit and select office staff Orient and train employees Provide on the job and other training opportunities Supervise staff Evaluate staff performance Coaching and disciplining staff
Office Manager 5/30/2005
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Maintain office records Main Activities: Design filing systems Ensure filing systems are maintained and up to date Define procedures for record retention Ensure protection and security of files and records Ensure effective transfer o files and records Transfer and dispose