I am familiar with Common Core instruction through my time spent as an elementary level substitute teacher. I have also provided instruction and resources to Nassau County librarians in support of the NYS Information Fluency Continuum. Many of the skills students acquire through library instruction tie into a variety of goals which have been determined to contribute to making students “college and career ready”. I have also had a great deal of experience in training and instructional delivery and enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills with others.…
8. Librarian- Is very knowledgeable about many areas of study, including husbandry, space, science fiction, news and world events, ect. This person is needed to keep others occupied with knowledge and with expertise and also a people person with a fair social concept of relation and survival.…
The library is one of my most precious resources. It’s a valuable assets especially when it comes to writing dissertation and essay. I will be using it very offer to research information for my future course. It have a tutorial that’s very helpful that assist me in familiarize myself with primary and secondary resources, and variety of information from peer reviewed articles, eBooks, and journals. It will be used as the hub of my basis of research development and webinars to better advance my skills of information gathering and research. I can use resources such as ERIC and Post Master through this system. It can be accessed through my learner’s portal.…
What support options does the library offer that will help you in writing papers, doing research, and achieving your academic goals? (50 to 100…
Library serves multiple purpose in the community today. But, no matter the book is in paper or digital, the purpose of library is not change. Library create a informational platform that everyone can access. “Libraries are about freedom. Freedom to read, freedom of ideas, freedom of communication” (Popova).…
This exploratory essay takes a look at the most desirable transferable competencies for information professionals in the public library. Franser-Arnott explores the opportunities in non-traditional LIS jobs from transferable skills and competencies from LIS professionals. Through analyzing scholarly articles, the field of public librarianship seeks communication skills and interpersonal skills in an information professional. Oral and written communication skills are necessary to understand the community's' needs and wants. Developing interpersonal qualities to communicate and interact with the community is key in working with patrons of different ages and backgrounds. Although the vast majority of public library jobs required higher education, people without…
I feel that care of libraries, and the use of books, and the knowledge of books is a tremendously vital thing. We who deal with books and love books have a great opportunity to bring about something in this country. It will take our imagination and patience and constant interest in…
Specialized library assistants and technicians- works in government organizations, law firms, corporations, hospitals and private businesses and they assist with providing information on subjects of the organization and they also assist users in accessing resources. In today’s society there are a number of factors affecting paraprofessionals in the field of librarianship. Firstly, budget cuts is the major cause, because of economic recessions budget for libraries are being slashed resulting in job loss.…
librarian is perfect to help you find reading material at different levels. Slowly increase your…
"Ultimately, information literate people are those who have learned how to learn. They know how to learn because they know how knowledge is organized, how to find information and how to use information in such a way that others can learn from them. They are people prepared for lifelong learning, because they can always find the information needed for any task or decision at hand." Said the American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy (January 10, 1989, Washington, D.C.)…
References: Radcliff ,C.(2007)A practical guide to information literacy assessment for academic librarians. Google books. [Online] available at:…
A librarian will play an administrative role in the system. He/she will be responsible for lending books to the students i.e. after a student has collected the book he/she wants to borrow from him, he should update the stock and should also take care of the books being returned by the students by updating the stock.…
Introduce the library to the child and it's parts and librarian through a meeting to the library stuff…
9:30 and my first chance to make a coffee, lets hope the day calms down for me to drink it.…
The future of the library in the digital age has scared the librarians as well as the people fond of them. In before times, books were valuable possessions that were way too expensive for most people to own. With the vast amount of information available in the world today, people have likened searching for answers over the internet rather than walking kilometres to a library and searching through the mass shelfs.A recent PEW Research Center study shows that 91% of teens choose internet over the facility of library.…