Respondus will import multiple choice, true-false, paragraph, short answer, matching, and multiple response questions. The plain text, rich-text, or MS Word file must be organized in the "Standard Format" before it can be imported into Respondus.
Many people choose to create their file first in Word, then save a copy of it as a plain text (.txt) file.
Directions for formatting your document into the Standard Respondus format are below. For directions on how to import a Standard Format document, skip to the last page of this handout.
Multiple Choice Questions
Each question must begin with a question number, followed by either a period "." or a parentheses ")".
The question wording must follow the question number. (Note: at least one space should be between the question number and the question wording.)
Each answer must begin with a letter (A-Z) followed by a period "." or a parentheses ")".
3. Who determined the exact speed of light?
a. Albert Einstein
b. Albert Michelson
c. Thomas Edison
d. Guglielmo Marconi
Correct answers can be indicated in two ways.
First, you may place an asterisk (*) directly in front of the answer choice (do not put a space between the asterisk and the answer choice). Example:
3) Who determined the exact speed of light?
a. Albert Einstein
*b. Albert Michelson
c. Thomas Edison
d. Guglielmo Marconi The second option is to place a list of correct answers at the end of the file. The list must begin with the word "Answers:" and must be positioned at the end of the file. (Note: Any text after the answer list will be ignored.) Example:
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B If neither method is used to select a correct answer, Respondus will automatically select the letter "A" as the correct answer.
True/False Questions
The process of importing a "true and false" question is similar to that used for importing multiple choice questions.