Full Name: Loh Qi Hui Joan Matriculation Number: U1210649F Seminar Group Number: 03 Seminar Group Instructor: Professor Don Willis Assignment: Critical Thinking Date: 22 February 2013 Word Count: 1505
Assignment Submission Declaration
Nanyang Business School
Name: Matriculation No: Assignment: Course and Code: Lecturer/Tutor:
Loh Qi Hui Joan U1210649F Critical Thinking AB1601 Organizational Behavior & Design Professor Don Willis
Keep a Copy of the Assignment
Please make a copy of your work. If you have submitted your assignment electronically also make a backup copy.
Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism: to use or pass off as one’s own, the writings or ideas of another without acknowledging or crediting the source from which the ideas are taken. Collusion: submitting an assignment, project or report completed by another person and passing it off as one’s own (as defined in the NTU Honour Code. See www.ntu.edu.sg/sao/home for the University Honour Code and Pledge).
Penalties for Plagiarism and Collusion
The penalties associated with plagiarism exist to reward good academic conduct; those who cheat will be severely punished to reflect the seriousness with which NTU views cheating, and its commitment to academic integrity. Penalties may include: the requirement to revise and resubmit an assignment, receiving a lower grade, or receiving an F grade for the assignment.
I declare that this assignment is my own work, unless otherwise referenced, as defined by the NTU policy on plagiarism. I have read the NTU Honour Code and Pledge. http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/yclai/
………………. Date
22nd February 2013
R1 A short stint doing part-time at a public hospital