1. Title
A study of factors influences employee job satisfaction in Manhattan Fish Market Restaurants, Kuala Lumpur. 2. Research Background
The hospitality sector is broad and diverse in terms of products, types of service provided as well as size of organization. However, the organizations within it share the common characteristics. The sector is described as “people business”. This refers both employees who produce products and services and the customers who purchase and consume the products. Besides that, the requirements for human resources in this sector vary depends on knowledge, skill, experience and the ability to produce the products and services which meet and satisfy the customer’s expectation.
Furthermore, in order for an organization to meet and satisfy its customers’ expectation, it needs to achieve high level of job satisfaction among its employees who help to produce good service to the customers. Therefore, employee satisfaction has become a key factor which must be concerned at most by many organizations. On the other hand, organizations in hospitality tend to be labor-intensive. It leads to most organizations are facing to labor-shortage and it becomes the biggest challenge in hospitality sector (Ninemeier, J. 2009). Unfortunately, very high employee turnover rate in the industry often caused by inadequate number of person
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