But in Uzbekistan (the country of Central Asia where I was born), people generally aren't satisfied with their job. The reason lays in lack of job choices and payment. People do their job without any satisfaction because they have to earn some money to survive.
I think that the main reasons why the people in Uzbekistan are not satisfied with the work they do are the absence of good knowledge of management in the organizations and corruption. As we got knowledge from the "Organizational behavior" course, we know that job satisfaction influences on employee performance within the organization and organization's productivity in the whole. So let's see what is job satisfaction and what factors can influence it.
Job Satisfactionis an individual's general attitude toward his or her job, or the feelings, reflecting attitudes toward one's job, are known as job satisfaction. Settings, related to the personnel job satisfaction and devotion to the company, are presenting special interest for the theory of organizational behavior and practice of human resource management.
A discussion of the job satisfaction problem concentrates attention on the employees' attitude toward their job, and a discussion of organization devotion on the attitude toward the organization in the whole.
What is job satisfaction once more?
Lock gives a following detail definition of job satisfaction: " pleasant, positive emotional condition coming from your job evaluation or job experience."1 Job satisfaction is a result of the very employees perception of the fact for how much their job provides important, from