Job Satisfaction, Motivation and Stress in the Workplace
Job satisfaction, motivation, and stress are among key topics covered in the broader subject of Organizational Behavior. “Job satisfaction refers to the feelings people have toward their job” (Bauer & Erdongan, 2012, p. 80). Satisfied employees can make organizations thrive while dissatisfied workers could be an economic burden to organizations. Motivation is a related subject that could be a determinant factor to job satisfaction or the vice versa. “Motivation is defined as the “desire to achieve a goal or a certain performance level, leading to goal-directed behavior” (Bauer& Erdogan, 2012, p. 97). Motivation is also one of the three factors that contribute to job performance; other factors are ability and the environment (Bauer et al, 2012, p. 97).
Although job satisfaction and motivation are desirable attributes in employees, the phenomena of stress is widespread in the modern workplace and affect job satisfaction and the overall productivity. According to Bauer et al, psychologists define stress as a reaction of the body to changes that require physical, mental and emotional response (Bauer et al, 2012, p. 149). If not handled properly, stress can be a source of demotivated and dissatisfied employees, which in turn affect organizational performance. With lots of research conducted on these subjects, this small paper summarizes three scholarly articles, each of which devoted one of the three topics above.
Job satisfaction is a vital quality desired of the employees in the workplace. Satisfied employees can make organizations thrive while disgruntled workers are an economic burden to organizations. In his article “A Review of Job Satisfaction” article, Zhu (2012) pointed out the concept of job satisfaction aroused the interest of researchers (Zhu, 2012, p. 293). Zhu (2012) highlights the evolving nature of
References: Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2012). Organizational behavior (1.1 ed.). Nyack, NY: Flat World Knowledge. Kofoworola, O., & Alayode, A. (2012). Strategies for Managing Stress for Optimal Job Performance. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 4(2), 162-168. Doi:10.5539/ijps.iiiv4n2p162 Mahazril’Aini, Y.Y., Zuraini, Y.Y., Hafizah, H.K., Aminuddin, A., Zakaria, Z., Noordin, N., & Mohamed, B. (2012). Work Motivation Among Malaysian Public Servants. Asisan Social Science, 8(12),238-242. doi:10.5539/ass.v8nl2p238 Yanhan, Z. (2013). A Reveiw of Job Satisfaction. Asian Social Science, 9(1), 293-298. Doi:10.5539/ass.v9nlp293